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Kristal Scott

Kristal Scott

Director of Administration & Communicationsoffice: 814.238.0822 ext. 15

I am the unofficial ‘mom’ of Calvary. I am ever observant, not widely vocal, and always looking for the best interest of our staff. 

In my home life, I am a wife, mom of two beautiful children, chef, laundress, and problem solver. My love for Jesus started when I was young, thanks to my momma who made sure my sister and I were part of a wonderful church family. When I am not working at Calvary or doing one of my home jobs, you can likely find me gardening, hammocking or sleeping.

What brought you to Calvary?

Before Calvary, I was working for the University at the Nittany Lion Inn. I loved working there and loved my coworkers. I grew so much as a person but God made it very clear it was time to move on, and out of the blue, I got a message from Dan asking if I wanted to interview for a job at Calvary. God put all the pieces together beautifully and I couldn’t be more excited to be here!

What is your favorite thing about serving at Calvary?

I love working and serving at Calvary because loving people is my ‘sweet spot’ and as broken as I am Jesus chooses to use me. I also love that at Calvary, my work goes beyond 4 physical walls where my office resides, the opportunities are endless.