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Sean Moon

Sean Moon

Executive Director of Gathering Pastors. Online & Lewistown Gathering Pastoroffice: 717.248.7712

I have been married to Tera for 24 years; she is an amazing wife & mother. Together, we have two girls. Victoria is studying elementary education at Lock Haven University, and Brielle is finishing out high school, and enjoying her friends.

I had the privilege of growing up in a Christian home, where at a young age, I was taught to serve God and others. I accepted Jesus into my life during an after-school good news club and was later baptized in the church. I grew to love the church and all that God was doing through it.

Out of high school, I chose to take a gap year as I was conflicted between attending college or joining the Navy to be an aviator. During that year, my dad’s physical health was deteriorating, so I decided to help out with the family landscaping company (there went the gap year idea!). This is where I gained business management and leadership development. I worked in the company until 2006, then managed a small construction company for a couple of years. In 2009, I started my vocational ministry as a part-time worship leader, which evolved into a full-time position, where I served until June of 2017.

What brought you to Calvary?

We had some good friends who were attending Harvest Fields, and they had repeatedly invited us to attend with them. They finally wore us down, and we visited Calvary in August of 2017. Dan was sharing the 2030 vision of Calvary, and it captured our hearts. Within two weeks, we knew that we had found a special church.

What is your favorite thing about serving at Calvary?

It’s hard to capture just one or two things that we love about Calvary because we love so many things, like the people, the vision, the gospel-centered teaching, the leadership, the staff team, the partnership with other pastors and churches, and much more!

We are grateful for the blessing to be able to serve God at Calvary, and we look forward to making the name of Jesus known in our community!